25 April 2011

Dedicated to all families of child or children with AUTISM.

What A  3 hour Church block???
There's nothing like a 3 hour block of  fun, like it happens to LDS members on Sunday. I have loved the "block", since the First Presidency started this program. Having lived in rural areas, I know the problem of going to Sunday School, going home then coming back for Sacrament meeting.

 BUT, then there's that AUTISM thingy. We have that in our home. We live this life daily. Since our son, doesn't go to public school (http://www.k12.com/) and we choose UTVA, our son isn't doing well with the block ~ even though we all love it! He wears his "ear boves" or ear gloves to us, to block out noise that scares him.

 He, as of Sunday, did really well in his primary class. Total of 5 kids, had a huge impact on his ability to handle this class. When I was teaching his primary class, last year, I had 12 kids total in the 5 yr olds. Lets just say, we did a lot of hands on learning, to keep every ones attention. The one that suffered, was my own child. He would curl up in a corner, cry and rock and hum.

So I gave up my primary class that I just loved to teach every Sunday. My husband, who was my co-teacher, was given a calling to teach priesthood class. Now, I hold my son during his primary class (he won't sit alone); and hold him in sharing/singing time.

I'm NOT complaining. I love my little boy. He's a huge blessing to me and to our family. But, when on sites for "family support of Autism", I just get tired of the lame, "stop going to Church" or even better, have your husband rotate with you.

I love to hear ideas from other families, that "get it". Our church runs just fine, thanks, and no we don't need to change from the 3 hour block. So, with that being said, is there anyone else out there that has this going on?

Would love to hear from you and ideas you use. Ya', we do use medications. But even medications, don't help with the 3 hour blocks.