09 November 2012

Bell and Howell Sonic Alarm System

Bell and Howell Sonic Alarm System

The Bell and Howell Sonic Alarm System protects your property with a simple and effective alarm system. It fits easily on entry doors, screen doors, windows and cabinets and makes a loud 90dB warning when tripped. It is easy to turn on and off or set to a pleasant chime sound just by the flip of a switch and it installs quickly without tools. Available at Target, Home Depot, and online (search by name).

AS a parent of a child with Autism, I have Bell & Howell Sonic Alarm attached next to front door, door to garage, and back door!! Then we got one and put it on the back gate for summers. So far our son hasn't been able to open windows...... yeah for us. WE have always kept sharp objects out-of-reach, but recently we installed the Bell & Howell Sonic Alarm on a cabinet for safety.

We had tried a motion sensor that made an UGLY sound, it not only terrified our son, but the neighbors, dogs, cats & the rest of our family. THIS systems is easy and doesn't panic the neighborhood.
~Autism For Life (blogger)

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