Spider Monkeys
Reproduction In Plants
Look Inside a Tide Pool
The Magic School Bus Inside A Hurricane
Bones and the Roller Coaster Mystery
Beneath the Surface
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa
Young Cam Jansen and Lions' Lunch Mystery
Young Cam Jansen and the Speedy Car Mystery
Hiding in a Coral Reef
Young Cam Jansen and the Spott Cat Mystery
Shipwreck Search Discovery of the H. L. Hunley
Outside and Inside Woolly Mammoths
Aircraft Carriers
Troo's Secret Clubhouse
Mammoths and Mastodons
Barnum'S Bones
17 October 2013
09 October 2013
Autism and Asthma
Childhood Asthma Control Test†
07 October 2013
An Autism Education Dream

I dream of a world where EVERY child w/ Autism gets
equal education at the level they need!
NOT the lottery system, NOT a waiting list, NOT a
private school that requires parents to PAY get their
child educated!!! Why is this so difficult America?
03 October 2013
Autism Journal 3 October 2013
Then again, we do have to do battle or what totally feels like battle to get the services our child/ children need in life. Right Mom's of Autism children. NO, that would be ALL MOM'S all over the whole world NOT just Autism Mom's.
My son is no longer in the 1st - 3rd grade class Autism Cluster. He isn't at that level of learning. It upset him emotionally that he was being treated like "a baby". "I no baby". Nope, sweetie, you are very correct, you are no baby. You are a big boy and very intelligent. So, with the Principal and District Representative on my son's cheering team ~ testing for his IQ will be done as well as all testing to see what grade level he's actually achieved for each subject. Math isn't a strong point for him, but he does love Science. He's now adding (w/o help) two columns. No regrouping but I don't think that will be a problem. I will start him on subtraction today. I am more or less homeschooling w/ the school work coming from the Principal. I donated every last home school item I had, since my husband was so adamant that our son go to school for social skills. So, now I have to depend on others for school work. NOT fun.
That social skills thingy bite hubby big time. Sadly, my son doesn't like children. Actually, his feelings against them are much, much stronger. And yet, the too have Autism. Our son's Autism is different. He stemms, flaps, jumps up and down on his toes, runs back and forth (always in a straight line and stopping at the exact same place to turn around and go back), spins until Mommy thinks she's going to be ill! He must have his school desk over 4 feet from anyone else and doesn't tolerate anyone touching him or anything that is his. Oh ya', he has social issues. BUT, he does love most girls. HE HE....oh lucky me. In the class he just left a first grade girl loved to hold his hand. She would just walk up to him grab his hand and stay with him. MY son the protector! This isn't the first time this has happened in his life. Little girls have always done this to him whether they also had Autism or not!
The Principal DID take my son to the older Autism Cluster classroom @ this school. Classroom has 13 students in the 4th - 6th grades. NOT an easy bunch of children. All of them are considered High-Functioning Autism (HFA). I just ADORE the terms the world places on our children, don't you? Normal students, typical students. HFA, LFA (low functioning Autism). Yep, lets just label everyone! Back to my point ~ my son did a craft with the rest of the class. They are studying Oceans and from what I could tell around the room ~ this teacher is good. The students made fish out of paper (and they are excellent) they had made a panorama for ocean creatures and jellyfish with he head being a clear plastic bowl upside down. Amazing. My son love the ocean creatures, especially jellyfish. This would be perfect for him. The concern about putting him into this classroom is they have two boys that have violent outburst ~ and I'm like, WHY are they in this class then? Why aren't they in the BEHAVIOR Autism Cluster Unit? Pick up a chair and toss it and that's a problem folks. Behavior issues need to be dealt with or someone will be hurt physically. Then there's a student that has diabetes. This student eats nuts and eats peanut butter in class. My son is highly allergic to all nuts and eggs. UGH, UGH. Many children with Autism have eating issues. Maybe this child will only eat nuts/peanut butter. I have no right to say, this can't happen. SO, the District Rep. is working on finding a place for my son. HE needs education. And according to hubby, out of the home. I do get this, my son is the only child at home. The other child is 24 yrs old, married and living in another state.
If I do homeschool again I will be joining a group of other Autism Moms to do activities as many times a week as they are willing! Not that my son would be overjoyed about this. He much rather enjoys NOT having anyone else along. Then he can ask all the questions he wants, take all the time he wants and really enjoy himself. We have membership to Tracy Aviary, Planetarium and a few other places, to keep him busy.
For now, I will just wait to find out testing dates and times. AND keep nagging the school for school work to keep him busy and not in front of the TV (PBS kids, he lives for them). ONWARD and UPWARD seems to me my motto as of late!
Blessings to you and yours too.
Reading Program Log #3 ~ Autism For Life Blog
copyright@ The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (The Mormons)
I couldn't be more proud of my son for his reading daily. Well, then again, he gets one sticker for every 3 books he reads! Yep, it helps. After 50 stickers he gets a prize worth $10.00. Gotta' do what ya' gotta' do!
09 Oct 2013
Dig Those Dinosaurs
08 Oct 2013
Storm Chasers
A Platypus' World
Carl and the Puppies
07 Oct 2013
A Shark Pup Grows Up
Gotham's Villains Unleashed!
Wonder Woman The Story Of The Amazon Princess
06 Oct 2013
Funny Lunch Max Spaniel
Meet Martha
Animals in Fall
05 Oct 2013
The Mouse in My House
Patrick's Super Socks
04 Oct 2013
Geology The Study of Rocks
03 Oct 2013
Lewis and Clark A Prairie Dog for the President
Buters Changes His Luck
The Amazing Spider-Man
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