24 September 2013

Autism and the School Toilet

My son is starting to test for his IEP. The one he has is 1 1/2  yrs expired.
I took him out of public school and was very successful in homeschooling.
But he's older now and more able to communicate what his needs are ~~
or so I thought. The one aide, yesterday, while the teacher was in a meeting
with other parents and myself~~~told my son to "hold it" when he needed
to use the boys room. Seriously, this is my angry button. Well, okay, I do
have more than one of those when it comes to my child. My son, nor yours
should EVER be told to "hold it". So my child with Autism, used is underwear
instead of a toilet!  The Principal is a JEWEL and told me, "when there's a
problem, I want an email from you". Yep, and today she told the teacher and
the class aides, "Don't ever tell a student to hold it, if they have to go to the
toilet, take them".  Point Principal! So the testing will be taking place now,
sooner than the staff might have wanted.The District Representative for
Special Education told them to step up the process of testing the Autism
Cluster students and has sent them help to get that goal completed! Point
District Rep.

My son is more advanced in 3 subject than his age~~~and behind in 3
subjects for his age. I do honestly believe that with more prompting he will
excel in all subjects. He just has no interest in those areas.

No Milk
I just found out from another room Mom, Braxton wasn't drinking anything
at lunch when he took home lunch (which is RARE thank heaven). He did
say, "I need milk", but was told by the teacher or aide "go get it".  Well, he
does have Autism. He just walked over and walked back. SO, now the
other room Mom, walked him over to get the milk. It's not an easy process.
You must have your "card" to get the milk. The teacher holds these cards, not
the student. I have seen teachers put the cards on lanyards, that might be the
trick for us too. I need to see if there's a business or bank that will donate
these string lanyards. OR maybe go and get them myself.  It's difficult for the
students to hold their trays and the cards. AGAIN, another sensitive issue
the teacher should have already thought of instead of a room Mom.

Onward and upward!

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