05 September 2013

Autism In New School

copyright @ Autismforlife blogger. DO NOT COPY.
30 August 2013
So far today it's okay. Well, he does like eating lunch w/ all the other children in his class.
A first. His allergies are BETTER. He can actually sit in same room with others that
are eating things he's allergic to. He does like the hot lunches. What's NOT to like.
Pizza Wednesday. I haven't met a child that doesn't eat pizza. Today he wanted hot
lunch for the sweet potato fries. He loves sweet potatoes. Especially with cinnamon

He still wants his desk to not touch anything or anyone. AND don't even think of
touching him. Normally children may touch each other on the arm, or back but
NOT with this Child. His Autism keeps the normal stuff in check.

He's still reading. NOT as much now that school has started. He wants to get
home and do electronics. Well, since he's not doing it all day at school, I'm okay
with that. He is required to read one book per day~~~our family rules. If he
reads the book w/o being asked he gets a sticker. Amazing when the electronics
get grounded how many books he can read w/o being asked.  We have decided
that when anything electronic breaks, it's NOT getting replaced. I know, mean
parents huh!

HOPE your day has been a blessed one.

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