05 September 2013

What Me Behind? Autism For Life Blogger

@copyright this blogger AutismForLife. 

Daily I still need to remind my little boy, "fix your pants honey",  "fix your underwear,
doesn't that hurt?"  Must not, cuz Mommy is still staying, fix it.....you'd think since 95%
of his life must be just PERFECT the clothes would matter. NOPE they don't matter at
all to him and he would wear the exact same clothes every day if he was allowed. He
has his own dirty clothes hamper and does use it. He doesn't like anything on his floor
in his room. YEAH. OH that's a blessing, huh!

Sure wish he would like to get up in the morning. I know, his meds help him to sleep
but really~~~~~once he's down he doesn't see the need to get up. He can be wide
awake and just lay there not wanting up.

Silly boy, he wanted cinnamon rolls first thing this morning. Wish I could snap my
fingers and they would be made. He really likes them warm from the oven. OH ya',
he would love Mommy to make them every day. But twice a month is all that happens.
NOPE, Mommy isn't lazy but she does have the other Mommy stuff to do as well as
making cinnamon rolls! I must do every meal from scratch so he doesn't become ill.

Love this little boy, more than words!!!

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