16 September 2013
Yep, It's Monday. Little guy didn't want to get up. I had to remind him
that his "frin" Mary would probably be there! It was a 45 minute process
to get him out of bed.
Since he has a script for his Cetaphil hand soap, I had to refill the classroom
bottle and then get a bottle for the nurse station boys room. HE won't be
bullied in a private boys room. I so wouldn't want to be a parent raising a
child that is a bully to ANYONE but especially to a child with a disability!
I just photocopied the script label. I'm not going to buy the expensive brand
from the pharmacy every time just to get the script label too. NOW, that's
all done! I did manage to make a mess during the refill, HELLO, next time
I use my glasses and go out of the classroom.
THEN it was off to the school cafeteria. Gus has changed his mind about
what days he wants home lunch. He wants to try the beans-nachos-cheese
and a few other school items. I'm all for him having a hot lunch! With his
egg as the main entree allergy, it's a challenge. I don't allow him to have
breaded items @ the cafeteria. It's still difficult for him to understand why
of this but he will get older and understand more each day.
We had rain this morning and that made it wonderful, nice and cool.
Gonna' be a great day. This is more of a prayer than anything!
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