14 September 2013

Autism Journey Journal 14 September 2013

PHOTO COPYRIGHT @ autism for life blogger. 
do not copy my photos. 

I wasn't able to attend the Open House for this class. 
My son doesn't do well in new  surroundings and this
was utter kaos/chaos according to everyone that went. 
I met one Mom that showed up at school and through
her I was able to find a site that was for Mom's with
Autism children in Utah. On the site I stumbled onto
another Mom. Just from reading her post, I knew she
had a son in the same school and classroom. From
there another Mom and I hooked up through the first
Mom. WE are amazing aren't we, Mom's. So I have
now had contact with 3 Moms from son Gus (not his
real name) Autism Cluster Classroom and eight to go!
Rachel has a son in 1st grade and Melissa has a son in
3rd grade and Loraine also has a son in third grade.

No Bus
I live down the street from the school and that's a
good thing since my son can't ride the bus due to
his severe allergies to eggs as the main ingredient
(traces in cooked food, mostly don't bother him
now and all nuts. Most children do NOT wash their
hands and face after they eat and then would touch
everything on the bus. NO way to protect my son
from cross-contamination. 

So I take and pick my son us daily from school.
What I go through only another Mom (or Dad) that
has a child with such severe allergies can understand.
Imagine not being able to have eggs or any nuts in
your home or life! We have lived this since he was 3
months old.

As I mentioned before, we had become so frustrated
with schools that don't provide for Autism students.
We have moved two other times seeking a better
place for our son.

We are very hopeful this is the district that will work
for us. Sadly, it's smack dab in the middle of the city.
NOT being a city person this has been very stressful
on me but onward and upward Mom!

His Stuff
My little boy, Gus is 9 years old and in 3rd grade. He
exceeds in science and reading. The other subjects
he struggles w/.

His Past
This is our third Autism Cluster Classroom. The others
had 3 aides and a certified teacher. In one class my
son had a 1 to 1 aid due to all his medical issues.
Thankfully, he's older now and doesn't get as ill.
THIS is me now knocking on wood!!!

Gus hasn't been in the hospital for 1 1/2 years. The one
Autism Cluster Class didn't teach anything to the verbal
students. It was all based on non-verbal education @
Preschool level. My son was 5 years old at that time. The
other taught @ Preschool level as well and my son was
7 then. That Autism Cluster Classroom staff (teacher and
3 aides) managed to lose 2 students in 2 months during
playground time. My son does wonder if not watched it
was very terrifying for all the parents of this Autism Cluster.
Then my son was bullied by a fellow Autism classmate.
That student felt he owned the class computer and every
time my son sat at the computer, my son got punched
~~not just once but several times. The teacher and aides
ignored the behavior or swore they were out of the room.
Sadly for those staff members, they weren't trained enough
to know that children with Autism do NOT have the ability
to lie! 

So far in this school I have noted that the teacher, aide
nor Principal will allow physical violent behavior.That's
huge plus. I will do just about anything for my son's
medical needs and education. I am a Mommy Bear......
do not mess with my cub!

Not School
My husband and I have an uphill battle daily getting
our son to class. He does have those bad memories
installed in his brain. And for those of you that have
a child with Autism or work with children of Autism,
know what I mean. It's not easy to removed negative
experiences and replace them until a new routine of
trust and positive experiences replace the old.

My son was bullied in the boys room the other day
by a"normal" 4th grader. The teacher was in the hallway.
This district, like most doesn't allow teachers, aides,
parents in the children's loo. But, being blessed as we
are a "normal" male student came out of the loo and
told the teacher what happened. My son was in tears
and of course emotionally drained.  So after me nearly
blowing a fuse, it's now worked out that my son will
use the boys/girls room in the Nurse station.

A Target
From what I am being told, my son is the only Autism
student that has been bullied/harassed so far this year
(school started two weeks ago. My son is easily noticed
due to his headset for his above superior hearing. If he
doesn't wear that headset he gets headaches and has a
meltdown from noise. Noise that "normal" people take
for granted. Gus can hear me whisper while wearing
his headset.

Parents As Classroom Cluster Helpers
Classroom Mom Melissa has an idea of Cluster Classroom
Parents. In another school her son attended, parents
helped in classroom clusters. I like this idea, but in my
opinion is this district is CHEAP and they should be
providing another aide during cluster times.

There is NO WAY a teacher and one aide will be able to
work with twelve students all on different levels ~~ and
HELLO they all have Autism! This district is saving money
in the WRONG place! Clusters haven't started just yet.
The teacher and aide are still trying to work on the
policies/rules of classroom and school. Remember,
these students have Autism and most of the class
appears to be first graders.

Student Buddies
Melissa son's former school also used "buddies" for each
Autism student from the "typical" student body. My son had
two "typical" female students eat lunch with him daily in his
classroom at the former school. Back then he wasn't able to
be around food that had egg or nuts cooked in ANY food.
(We've come along way!) I know this program can work,
if the "typical" students are educated about the special
needs students. I also agree with Melissa, this program
would cut down or stop the bullying or harassment that
my son experienced. I am pro the buddy system! 

Don't touch me.
Gus has issues with being touched. If he wants a hug be
ready! He hugs so tight you lose your breath. BUT do not
touch him without permission. So this is a problem at 
school as well. His desk is over 2 feet away from any other
desk. He must have his bubble space!

The 3 A's
Do you have those, or does someone you know have those?
Autism~Asthma~Allergies. My son has over 200 environmental
and food allergies. Try living like that! I would like to find
a group of Mom's just for this problem. Still looking. Wait, 
maybe I should start one!

I am anti-PTA. Each school pays most of the money they earn
for national dues/fees. NOT good. In Arizona, I was a secretary, 
treasurer and later Vice President to PTSO (Parent-Teacher-Student
Organization). Why any school or district in the RIGHT mind is
willing to pay dues/fees to a national office in 2013 is just
beyond me! The Principal mentioned to me that the PTA parent
meeting for Room Mom's, Party Planning etc will be next week.
I did mention my thoughts on the PTA organization!!! I won't be
joining them as a member but I WILL be  helping with my son's
classroom and parties. The other Autism Cluster Classrooms
my son attended didn't participate with PTA. They had no
interest in anything but MONEY. We the parents paid for all
our Cluster activities etc. Worked out VERY well for all involved,
well, expect the PTA!

Just another event to cause trauma in my son's life. We gave
up this item when he was 3 years old. The horror that the
youth and young adults use with Halloween, has made it an
evil time and our family won't participate in evil. Gladly, the
Principal mentioned to me that this school has a costume
parade and they walk through the whole school including
all the classrooms. Why schools still participate in holiday
parties is beyond me as well. Holidays are a PERSONAL
preference and not an educational item. There are religions
that don't celebrate the same holidays and since many
holidays are of a religious background (like Halloween) they
have NO place in our public schools. Yes, I am a christian but
I do not feel I should be forcing my Christmas holiday on
a non-Christian or someone that feels holiday's are not

So, I have requested the costume parade NOT go into the
Autism Cluster Classroom. My son is terrified of most
costumes and he's NOT going to stay home just so another
child can enjoy Halloween at a public school. The costume
parade last about 45 minutes. Before and after the parade
all mask must be put away for good. The Principal doesn't
allow teachers, staff and the TONS of parents that come for
the parade to wear a mask. HELLO, parents in the parade.
Ya', that's what I thought. It's the weird parents pushing
this parade. This is the first school my son has attended 
that has allowed Halloween costumes. I just hate this time
of year. We must keep our son away from the stores that
display the horrid costumes. The nightmares, sleep walking
and terror his brain experiences, is just NOT worth the

Fall Festival - Harvest Festival Anyone?
The other schools my son attended changed the name and
like I said didn't allow costumes. They played games and
won small prizes. This activity was used as a "social" activity
to help teach social behavior. No bobbing for apples~~or germ
fest as the nurse call that activity! Bean bag toss was an
all time favorite of the Autism students. We also played pin
the stem on the pumpkin. 

Sleep walking and wondering you say?
We have a great alarm system installed to prevent our son
from leaving without us knowing. It's called "Bailey". A
service dog for our son. Occasionally Bailey does sleep on
the job so Dad and Mom are ever alert.

A Thought In Passing
We many not have the same child but Autism keeps us
held together like glue. We are all in this Autism thingy

Tracy Aviary. Saturday @ 1:30 p.m. ANDY the CONDOR walks with children through the park.
United Angels Foundation. org. Activity JUNE Lehi, Utah.

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