Yep, I knew it would happen but I didn't expect it until maybe one
month after school had started. NOT on the 4th day!!!! He didn't want to get
out of bed. HE wanted to "stay sleep". So I took off his blanket and asked him
to please get out of bed. He curled up in a tighter ball and put his three fingers
back into his mouth (he's done this for many years, like a comfort to him).
I begged and finally gave up. I called DADDY. On speaker DADDY told him
it's time to get up. No movement. Oh yes, it was awake but just wanted us both
to go away. He put his hand over the ear that wasn't being covered by his pillow!
OH no, that's not going to work. Daddy, NOT happy at this point said he was
going to lose privileges. Still didn't get up. Daddy hung-up.
SO, Mommy picked him up (he weighs 91#) and carried him into the bathroom.
I took his "night pants" (he's NOT continent @ night and some days are tough
as well). I told him he must shower (boy did he need it). He just sat down and
cried. AND before you feel sorry for him, this is his way of getting what he
wants, more sleep. And when I left the room that's when the meltdown started.
He was sure I was being mean. He doesn't want to go to school, he wants to
sleep and watch PBS' Kids. I'm NOT being mean. I love this little one, he's my
son. I must get him to school. NO I'm not wanting him to be normal---I know
that's NOT possible. But I do want him to function and not just sit and watch
TV or play games. HE can do that much, he is able to talk. I have worked so
much to get him vocal. It was an uphill battle but I did that. Yep, hubby and
big sister were 100% on this team too.
So, I waited 35 minutes and called DADDY again. Daddy wasn't as nice as
Mommy was being, Daddy got angry. So we hung up and my little boy
screamed to the top of his lungs for me to put him in the shower. Mission
accomplished. All the screaming, crying, moaning, groaning, rocking and
pounding didn't work.....oh well. After the shower he found his clothes laid
out on his now, clean bed. That set off yet another meltdown. THIS one was
totally neuro. HE didn't want to go to school and I had out his school clothes.
He just couldn't understand why he had to go to school. It was just very sad.
I tried to explain to him but it was like talking to a wall of bricks.
He made it to one of his favorite spots----the Lazy Boy chair. I turned off
the TV (I leave it one for the dogs while we are away) and told him no TV,
no ipad, no DS----NOTHING. He would just have to sit there. OH it got bad.
Daddy call again. All Daddy had to say was, "I'm coming home and you had
better be dressed young man." Oh it got bad once again. BUT, he went up
and got dressed. The zipper and button he needed help with ~~~ and of
course he blamed Mommy for having to go and not getting to sleep.
BUT off to school we went. Nothing like the happy Dwarf's either.
I made HIM tell the secretary why he was late. "I want to sleep". She told
him they missed him @ school. Then when I was walking out I heard the
secretary say to another, "Why does she have to be so mean". IT took
everything in my soul not to bite her head off. BUT I did wish MUCH BAD
karma onto her. I'm trying to make my son a responsible child. Okay, as
responsible as a child with Autism can be. HOW dare her judge me.
He got to class and he thought I would stay with him. NOT. I left. It all turned
out fine. BUT a few seconds later (I waited in the lobby for just in case) there
was the aide and my son. With all his trauma this a.m. we forgot his head set
for noise. Darn good thing we live so close. He got the head set and off to
class he went again. Then I noted, the aide is the height of my son! My son
is 9 yrs old and a size 14 boys.
HE did have a good day. NO it didn't start that way but it was a good end.
He playground is a positive place. He loves the monkey bars (the round ones).
He laughs and giggles. The Principal is just sure he's perfect and the office
secretaries too. Gotta love them for knowing so much. IF he's having a
problem wanting to go to school on the 4th day~~~~I don't want to think
about the rest! OR maybe this was it and he will finally love the place. OH
that would be a huge blessing. It takes 3 med's to get him there~~~and to
be sorta' "normal". That means not attacking anyone (too many people in his
area gives him huge panic attacks), and working on being sociable.
All in all it was an okay day. Just another day in the life of a family with a
little child with Autism. YOU know what I mean, don't you!!!! ~~~
Have a good evening. I will. ~~~~It's almost bed time!