I saw this post and cried. I so relate.
9 August 2013
I'm still waiting for the school meeting. You, know, the one IEP. I actually
made SURE the IEP 504 & Health Care Plan would be one meeting and not
three different meetings. YEP, it does take forever. BUT honeslty, how much
can one Mom on a Autistic child take?
I have homeschooled my son for the last 1 1/2 years. NOT that I don't like public
schools. I don't like it when the teacher and 3 aides of an 8 student classroom
LOOSE 2 different students during lunch recess. I don't like that the teacher and
aides ALLOW another student hit and bully my son ~ both students have Autism.
I don't like that the aides and teacher keep telling me and my son "doesn't belong
here, he's too smart". But get upset with me when he has a meltdown.
JUST because this teacher had a degree in Special Education, doesn't mean she
should be teaching Special Education!!!!! Oh wait, she's not at that school anymore.
She moved. I PRAY she's NOT teaching Autism students ~ she FAILED four
students that I know of ~ MINE, two that "got lost" and the bully.
Now we are in a new area. I called the district for a placement. Got the placement.
Due to Budget cuts staffing is lower and I'm waiting for the IEP meeting. Oh, lets not
forget the 504 and Health Care Plan too.
My son just doesn't have Autism, he has Asthma and Allergies too. What a psych
called the Three A's.
My little boy was excited about this school, once he found out it was NUT FREE.
That means he won't have to sit in his classroom and eat lunch. He won't be forced
to feel DIFFERENT. Eggs, that's a whole other issue. HOPEFULLY, they won't
be eating eggs near him ~ so far he's doing better. It used to be if anyone ATE,
COOKED or HAD an egg near him he went into shock. BUT, it's better. HE
can't touch eggs or nuts. Or touch anything that ANYONE has touched that have
had an egg or nut touch them. YOU may not see the difference. BUT, imagine not
being able to take your child anywhere an EGG or NUT might be!! That includes
CHURCH, SCHOOL, STORES......oh ya' that list just gets bigger. SO, for our
little family this is HUGE.
My son has High-Functioning-Autism. His doctors don't use any other word. To
them Autism is Autism. I agree. It's all Autism. He can read and write (sorta') and
talk. Sometimes he's endless chatter and you had better be listening or he melts down.
Not that he's saying anything you want to hear ----but if he wants to tell you all about
My Little Pony*, or whatever it is, he wants your undivided attention. He doesn't
actually look at you---he looks in your area. THAT'S NEW. He used to never do
that either. IT has taken 9 years of work of Dad, older Sister, Mom (me) and HIM.
He's the most important key to this puzzle! Yes, he does forget to LOOK at us but
we do gently remind him. AND the rattles on so fast we have to ask him to slow down.
That's when he takes his fist and taps his head, "slow down", "slow down". THIS is
new too, it used to be him smacking himself in the head with his fist or hands,
screaming, "you stop", "you stop".
When he has a meltdown, he does scream "you stop", "you stop". When learned
a few years ago that he wants to calm down but something in his brain wont' stop, it
won't let him calm down. That same part of this brain controls his life.
He still can't button or zip. He pulls his pants up and down without doing either. I
purchase pants that make this easy. He can't tie his shoes. BUT he does try. IF the
strings were wider, I know he could do it but it's a sensory issue for the strings.
He has many "can't". But there are more CAN than ever before! Each day is up
hill and well worth the climb.
Hope things are good for you and yours~~~
Blessings to you all. 2013*
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